
Do You Need a College Degree For a Pilot to Work For a Major Airline?
Do I need to go to College?
If you are plotting out your aviation career, you should think about it as a strategy. That may sound funny, but hiring...

The New Normal for Pilot Experience in Aviation
So what is the “New Era” of pilot mileage or experience levels?
There is a funny joke that has been around for years, How do you know if you have m...

New Flight Rating Giveaway, Private Pilot Training
First off, let us say congratulations on passing your check ride! No matter what rating you attained, its a big deal and a whole lot of work. We ...

The Flight Instructor Check Ride and the FAA
It has been a long time since I was a flight instructor. I do remember my check ride and for me it was really a non event. One of the reasons it...

Do You Need to Study Calculus in your Aviation Career?
College Calculus
I remember when I was in college getting my degree in flight technology. Back then everything was so fresh and new. College wa...