
What Don't You Like About Your Airline?
What Don’t You Like About Your Airline?
Is it a loaded question? Of course it is. Unless your are brand spanking new to the airline business, ch...

Pilotless Planes, Real Truth about Tech Replacing Commercial Pilots
While doing some research on airline stories for an aviation podcast when I ran across a similar headline. I have to say, as a veteran commercial ...

Sky Talk Radio, An Aviation Podcast
Airspeed Junkie is now proud to sponser Sky Talk Radio. STR is an aviation podcast that features two captains talking and telling stories about th...

What Airline Passengers Do You Get to Sit Next Too?
No doubt at one time or another you have taken a commercial flight somewhere. If you are traveling with your family, you may have had the chance t...

Funny or Stupid Things People Say to Their Airline Pilots.
Every time I see the news feature a story about airlines, I cringe in anticipation. What negative spin is the media going to project that is going...

Strategies for Finding Better Pilot Jobs in the Aviation Industry
Question #3 in the Aviation Career Series
No doubt you have heard about having a plan B in aviation. Plan A is pretty easy to figure out and make ...

Would You Fly On A Plane With No Pilots?
Lately the subject of airlines transitioning to aircraft without pilots has been a hot topic. Everyone seems to want to weigh in on the subject an...

Are You A Radio Hog? Using Better Aviation Radio Communications
Working every day in the airline environment you get a fair amount of time talking on the radio to Air Traffic Control (ATC). One thing I have not...

20 Things Your Flight Attendant Would Like You To Know
If you are a Flight Attendant, you are the heart and soul of an airlines customer service. The way the customer is treated and the experience they...

Airline Pilot Retirement Age
I have been a part of numerous conversations about pilot retirement ages and the extension to age 65. The consensus is mixed about whether this is...