
How Airlines Become Banks, This Is How It Really Works.
How airlines become banks
How is it that the airlines can give away the farm as far as low ticket prices or vouchers and still stay alive? If you...

The Best and Worst Moments of My Aviation Career, True Stories
These are moments in time that are not the absolute best or worst moments in history but they are the best or worst memories recorded by all levels...

Do You Love Aviation?
I think if you were to ask a group of pilots ranging from private pilots to airline pilots if they love aviation, most would say yes. In fact I wo...

Credible Excuses Create Credible Adjustments in Aviation. It's Not Just a Pandemic.
You may have clicked this article because you have never heard this term before. As you go through it, you will realize you understand it more tha...

Aviation Stories, Episode 16 of Sky Talk Radio
You can listen to Aviation Stories, #16 here or
Sky Talk Radio podcast can be found on Google Play, Itunes, Sound Cloud or their own website.
If y...

Is There Really A Pilot Shortage? Or Did We Do It To Ourselves?
All over the Internet and out in the marketplace, the aviation landscape is buzzing about a pilot shortage. Some companies say there is a shortag...

Funny Things People Say to an Airline Pilots, Real Passenger Comments
Funny Things I Have Heard in my Aviation Career as an Airline Pilot
Every time I see the news feature a story about airlines, I cringe in anticipa...