Directions for Retirement Plaque - Airspeed Junkie

Directions for Retirement Plaque

FAQ's 1. Do you carry all the logo's for all the airlines? Yes unless its some small airline from the 80's chances are we have it. 2. Does this g...

Certified Aviator and Flight Attendant Gear Plus Crew Van Guarantees

The certified aviator series is a qualification that is given to certain aviation products including apparel and accessories that fall into stric...
Miniature Airports

Miniature Airports

This article talks about building miniature airports and shows several videos and links for the plans. When I was kid, the rage was building a mini...
On the Slide: A Day in the Life of a Seaplane Pilot

On the Slide: A Day in the Life of a Seaplane Pilot

Sea Plane PilotStaff
By: Regina MesickGreetings from sunny St. Croix!I’ve been asked to share with the Airspeed Junkie community what a typical day looks like down a ru...