This section covers a lot of information.  Our goal is to supply you with an answer either here or over the phone for your best decision making.  This is not always about products but covers a lot of the flying topics in our blog as well.

Luggage Tags FAQ's

  • Is the mounting strap included?  Yes
  • Are they waterproof?  Yes
  • How do I clean them?  You can easy them with a little bit of soap and water, if you take the data card out, you can really scrub them well with out getting the cardboard card wet.

Aviation Signs and Plaques FAQ's

  • Are these items always in stock?  Yes
  • Can they be personalized?  It depends on which piece.  Contact us and we can let you know in a timely manner.

Engineered Leather Questions

  • What is engineered leather?  Engineered leather is a man made leather that has two layers.  The top layer is designed to be engraved through which shows the lower layer when complete.  This gives the nice appearance to text and graphics.  It is our preferred product because of the high quality.  It is also known as faux leather.
  • How do you take care of it?  Care is the same for any kind of cup except that you cannot put it in the dishwasher.  The graphic will never wear off.
  • Can I add some personalization to some of your designs?  Most likely this is determined by how much room is left on the cup and how much room the graphic or text takes.  If we have to alter the graphic, the chances are slim we will personalize it.

Airline Information

Airline Hiring FAQ's

Pilot jobs FAQ's

Shipping Information FAQ's

  • How long does it take to get my item?  We ship fast, however shipping times vary with the shipper.  Sometimes during peak volume times, items tend to take a bit longer.
  • Do custom items take a long time?  Not usually, we can do custom plaques fairly quickly as long as you answer the email that we send with a mock up photo to be approved.
  • If I order the retirement plaque and something changes, what can I do?  This is very common, and we have designed those gifts to have that section removed and swapped out.  Don't sweat it at all, we will fix it at no charge.
  • USPS or UPS?  We tend to use UPS for longer deliveries that are coast to coast or anything that gives a better value than the USPS.  Items under 5 lbs tend to get shipped via USPS. 
  • Do we get tracking numbers?  Most items will get a tracking number for your convenience.  This allows for items to be followed as well as aids in the claim department.
  • Do you have two day shipping like Amazon?
  • Why does the USPS show my item delivered when it clearly is not?  This is something that comes up on a regular basis.  Apparently the USPS likes to show an item delivered if it went out that day or is scheduled for delivery.  Most of the time, this means it will show up the next day.  Why this happens, we have no idea.  It is most likely some internal glitch but it does happen enough for us to get questions about it.  Check your deliveries the next day and you will most likely find it.  We find it very annoying.

 Flight Attendant Job FAQ's

Aviation Clothing FAQ's

  • What if I ordered the wrong size?  Contact us and we will help you swap it out.

Die Cast Models FAQ's

  • Do Skymarks models require glue?  No glue is required on any model line that Airspeed Junkie carries.

Drinkware FAQ's

  • Can I put these in the dishwasher?  No, the heat of the dishwasher will damage the cups exterior.
  • Do your cups require any special care?  Just hand wash with soap and water like any other cup you own.

Pilot Training FAQ's

Becoming a Pilot

 Airline Pilot Retirement Plaque FAQ's

Gift Ideas