pilot, experience, flight, airplane

The New Normal for Pilot Experience in Aviation

Airline FlyingAirspeed Junkie
So what is the “New Era” of pilot mileage or experience levels? There is a funny joke that has been around for years, How do you know if you have m...
pilot, experience, flight, airplane

The New Normal for Pilot Experience in Aviation

Airline FlyingAirspeed Junkie
So what is the “New Era” of pilot mileage or experience levels? There is a funny joke that has been around for years, How do you know if you have m...
What is Inside a Pilot Brain? - Airspeed Junkie

What is Inside a Pilot Brain?

Airline PilotStaff
There are lots of things that go on inside a pilot brain.  The longer you have worked or flown as a pilot, the more complex and developed the pilot...
Garbage Aviation Articles and How to Avoid Them - Airspeed Junkie

Garbage Aviation Articles and How to Avoid Them

Aviation EducationStaff
Here I go, about to open my mouth and most likely offend someone, but I am going to do it anyway. There are a lot of articles about aviation out th...
Theo Van Eijck "I Stole a Plane to Get Out of the Navy" - Airspeed Junkie

Theo Van Eijck "I Stole a Plane to Get Out of the Navy"

Aviation HistoryStaff
This story originates and is referenced from https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-49773399 and is about Theo Van Eijck   For two years the BBC’s Emma J...
Airplane Cups Frequently Asked Questions - Airspeed Junkie

Airplane Cups Frequently Asked Questions

Aviation CupsStaff
Some of the most common questions about airplane cups and bringing beverages onto the plane. Can you take a cup of coffee on an airplane?  Yes you ...
Credible Excuses Create Credible Adjustments in Aviation. It's Not Just a Pandemic. - Airspeed Junkie

Credible Excuses Create Credible Adjustments in Aviation. It's Not Just a Pandemic.

You may have clicked this article because you have never heard this term before.  As you go through it, you will realize you understand it more tha...

Thomas Hudner, Crashed his Plane to Save a Friend Awarded the Medal Of Honor

Aviation HistoryStaff
This is the story of Thomas Hudner.Between November 27th, and December 13th, 1950, 30,000 United Nations troops fought a desperate defense while su...
Aviation Pandemic and Why Airlines Do Not Function Well - Airspeed Junkie

Aviation Pandemic and Why Airlines Do Not Function Well

Right now all the news is on the Covid 19 problem and all the chaos that it has created in the airline industry, it is a real aviation pandemic.  A...
The Historic P-51 Mustang - Airspeed Junkie

The Historic P-51 Mustang

Aviation HistoryStaff
This 1967 true story is of an experience by a young 12 year old lad in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  It is about the vivid memory of a privately reb...
New Flight Rating Giveaway - Airspeed Junkie

New Flight Rating Giveaway, Private Pilot Training

Airline TransportStaff
First off, let us say congratulations on passing your check ride!  No matter what rating you attained, its a big deal and a whole lot of work.  We ...
American Airlines Flight Attendant - Airspeed Junkie

American Airlines Flight Attendant

Airline TravelStaff
Are you an American Airlines flight attendant? If so, we have developed a line of products just for you. We are constantly trying to innovate thing...
Sky Talk Radio, Episode 23, Airline Podcast - Airspeed Junkie

Sky Talk Radio, Episode 23, Airline Podcast

Airline PodcastStaff
Sky Talk Radio, Episode 23, Airline Podcast Join in the fun with the pilots of Sky Talk for another fun look at the airline industry. Sky Talk Rad...

Certified Aviator and Flight Attendant Gear Plus Crew Van Guarantees

The certified aviator series is a qualification that is given to certain aviation products including apparel and accessories that fall into stric...